Tuesday, March 1, 2011


As I have ranted about before, finding balance (and establishing priorities) seems to be one of those life struggles that everyone can relate to. My balancing act is always a work in progress and I have found lately, specifically through starting this blog and finding a voice for all of these things, that reading and writing about it is making those "things" I am balancing start to form a line. What I see as priorities are becoming more clear. It's not always a straight line, and the order of these things can change from minute to minute, but still, some form of organization is taking place.

One of my loveliest (and talkiest) friends pointed me to this blog a while ago: smallnotebook.org 

I love it. For so many reasons. Mostly because she doesn't claim to have all the answers, but she works hard at simplifying her life, keeping her priorities in line, and then shares what she finds works for her and her family. Not one strategy for anything would work for everyone, but having the seed planted is what matters. That's exactly what she did for me in regards to this post. I was wandering around her blog and found this particular post about making a list of the things that she sees as her biggest priorities in order to keep her life in balance. It's a very basic list broken down into the categories that are most important to her. I love it because it reminds you that the list doesn't need to say "sweep the porch, scrub the bathtub, paint the house, and feed the cat". In your day to day, are all those things really a priority? No. Well, other than feeding the poor cat. Even if he is trying to kill me.

I really do need a reminder once in a while that it's okay to let some things go. I don't need to worry myself over the laundry that didn't all make into the drawers of my dresser over the weekend, or that you can't eat off my kitchen floor 7 days a week (or ever, actually). Those simply aren't my priorities on most days.

So, inspired by Small Notebook, here is my basic, but very important, list:

- Meet her immediate/basic needs
- Play with her
- Show her love and patience
- Teach her

- Listen to him
- Spend unplugged time alone with him
- Show him love and patience
- Say thank you

- Quiet time to read/write/nothing
- Exercise
- Pursue new/old interests
- Show myself the same love and patience

- Picking up
- Laundry
- Food Planning/shopping
- Dishes/Basic chores

- Meet basic needs
- Walk/play with them
- Litter box
- Vet visits

- Communicate
- Plan time (even if it seems so far away)
- Offer assistance when possible
- Show them love and patience

There you have it. Maybe it seems too simple or too broad, but that's how it needs to be for me on days when I am running 100 miles an hour from one place to the next, my wheels and mind spinning. Taking a deep breath and remembering what is more important, what takes priority, and what will get me through the day with myself (and my loved ones) in tact, goes a very long way. And sometimes that deep breath, a glass of wine, and some form of chocolate will go even further.

What's on your list?

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