This is something that I have been working towards since march of 2010. If I am being honest though, I should say that I worked on this very seriously from March until about October...then the holiday and cold weather excuses took up residence in my brain. I am not far off. It's something I was very close to and have inched away from with every bite of Halloween candy, drop of gravy on my Thanksgiving plate, extra glass of wine, and Christmas fudge that has crossed my lips. Along with my running sneakers slowly making their way under my bed and my snooze button being more tempting on the dark Winter mornings, it's clear that I need to renew my commitment to myself and get back on the wagon!
So, what's the plan? I started attending Punk Rope Maine once a week last October and LOVE IT. They just added a second class on Thursdays, and thanks to the support and encouragement from that fabulous husband of mine (it's one of the days that N is at my mom-in-laws, which is a much longer drive for pick-up) I will go twice a week starting this week. I also just signed myself up for the Irish Road Rover on March 6th, which is supposed to scare me enough to save my sneakers from the dust bunnies. It's time to find myself some cold weather running gear!
It's also back to making smarter choices about what I am eating and also what we are eating as a family. I know I should meal plan for the week, and I know what's good for us and what's not, it's having the same things again and again that gets hard. It's the dreaded Food Rut. I want to try new things and make things ahead on the weekends, have our freezer stocked with homemade casseroles, etc. I find it difficult to add this into our already crazy weekends though. Tips and Tricks anyone? I'd love some new ideas.
So there it is, (the beginnings of) a plan. Watch it, dust bunnies!
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